Carolyn Woodall resides in Copperopolis, California with her oldest child, and four cats. An attorney since 1987, she recently retired from her position as a Deputy Public Defender in Sonora, CA. She currently maintains a small criminal defense practice in Sonora. Carolyn also retired from the Naval Reserve in 1997, having attained the rank of Commander.
She was ordained a Deacon on March 10, 2012, and is the first, and so far only, transgender person to be ordained in the Diocese of San Joaquin. She is currently serving at St. James in Sonora, where she runs a ministry providing provisioned backpacks to the homeless. She is also a member of the Board of Trustees for the School for Deacons in Berkeley; and a member of the Board of Directors of Sierra HOPE, which provides assistance to people with HIV/AIDS and other chronic illness.
Carolyn believes that acceptance regarding LGBT issues begins with education, and has given numerous presentations on transgender issues to church groups, government agencies, charitable organizations, and even a local news station. She told her story in Voices of Witness: Out of the Box, produced by Louise Brooks for Integrity USA.
The Board of Directors would like to thank the tireless work of Christian and all his work with Integrity, both at the national level as well as locally. President Matt Haines says, "Christian has served us with true faithfulness and dedication in his role as Stakeholder's Chairperson. He has been an authentic and prophetic voice of witness to our community and the Church. We are grateful for his gifts, friendship, and his constant service to us all."
Please join us in congratulating and thanking Carolyn for agreeing to assume this responsibility. You may reach her at CarolynW@integrityusa.org.
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