Friday, July 17, 2009

What's left?

As we go into the last day of Convention, what's left on the calendar?

Yesterday both Houses struggled with the budget which has been reduced by $23m over the triennium. This has meant that many Church Center employees have suddenly lost their jobs. Our hearts go out to them and their families.

They also completed the legislation which needed to go to the other House. Today will be a busy day.

In terms of our agenda, the biggy is C056 - blessing same gender relationships - which is due to be in the House of Deputies at 9:30 with 30 mins for debate. Two transgender resolutions passed the second House yesterday.

The House of Deputies has one more transgender resolution to consider, the House of Bishops has two transgender and C023 which opposes the Defense of Marriage Act.

Legislative sessions are complete by six and we'll bring you a wrap up before we celebrate, pack and head home to work out the implications of the actions of this Convention in our own dioceses.

Caroline Hall for IntegrityUSA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is really very bad we shouldn't harsh the Church center employs.


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