It’s Official: Episcopal Church Welcomes Transgender People
July 9 was a historic day for the Episcopal Church as it
declared that gender identity and gender expression are not reasons for
excluding someone from the discernment process for ordination, nor from any
other activity or lay position in the Church.

A few months before General Convention, Integrity released a
new video in the acclaimed “Voices of Witness” series. Called “Out of the Box,”
this video tells the story of transgender Episcopalians, both ordained and lay,
in their own words. It was sent to all deputies and bishops before the
Convention began, but demand has been high. Matt Haines, Integrity
Vice-President for Local Affairs, said, “They’ve been going like hotcakes.
People really love Out of the Box
and want to take it home to share with their friends and parishes.” It is also
available on YouTube.
For more information contact:
Louise Brooks, Director of Communications
Integrity USA
Louise Brooks, Director of Communications
Integrity USA
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